HEG Analysis, monitoring and Neurofeedback system of the prefrontal cortex - PFC
Medical device for a non-invasive analysis of the prefrontal cortex and NeuroFeedback system
Thanks to a non-invasive technology of plethysmographic measurement on the forehead of people, BioTekna's HEG medical device allows the analysis of the prefrontal cortex [PFC] activity. Through an innovative NeuroFeedback system, HEG also allows the PFC recovery and its optimization. The instrumental examination lasts a few minutes and allows the study and the direct monitoring of all the functions of the prefrontal cortex and the related NeuroFeedback processes. It helps, as well, the processes of differential diagnosis of disorders and diseases related to stress and chronic inflammation. The device measures real-time changes in the hemoglobin / oxygen concentration of the Prefrontal Cortex [PFC]. HEG allows the measurement and the analysis of the activation of the PFC in relation to cognitive and emotional processes. It also permits to study the functional connectivity of the PFC through an automatic analysis of the responses to specific stimuli. HEG is an innovative interventional tool based on NeuroFeedback that helps improve brain functions through specific training. It leads to increasing blood flow and oxygen in the prefrontal cortex and aims to recover the 9 primary functions of the PFC. The HEG device can be complementary to other imaging methods based on hemodynamic response such as fMRI and PET. This method can be used for image activation and functional connectivity in the prefrontal cortex in subjects exposed to cognitive/emotional/stressor tests.
From clinical contexts, to sports, to clinical psychology, to all study, research and work in the field of neuroscience, the analysis of the Prefrontal Cortex and all NeuroFeedback activity offers an important aid in an increasing variety of applications:
analysis and monitoring of prefrontal syndrome or hypofrontality
head injuries
diseases and disorders of aging
stroke (frontal lobe area)
chronic stress and related pathologies
brain tumors
morbo di Alzheimer
dementias (of various types)
frontal lobe degeneration (frontal lobe dementia): clinical situation characterized by personality changes, critical lack and progressive language breakdown
atrophy of the PFC (low cerebral flow or poor oxygenation)
metabolic dysfunctions
major changes in body composition
pathologies of viral or bacterial origin
frontal lobectomy
Pick's disease
addictions to drugs, foods and other substances
behavioral addictions (eg compulsive masturbation associated with chronic viewing of online pornography)
gambling disorder
video game addiction and other obsessive compulsive behaviors
chronic effect from frequent sports micro-traumas (boxing, MMA or mixed martial arts, American football, rugby etc ...)
monitoring of general adaptation syndrome and stress-related disorders
diagnostics and monitoring of chronic inflammatory disorders and autoimmune diseases
analysis of psychological expressions and emotions
monitoring and management of sports performance
longevity and management of psychophysical performance