Lifestyle, nutrition and supplementation in the prevention of osteoporosis

Changes in bone composition (T- Score BIA-ACC) from high density  through osteopenia and osteoporosis have complex, multifactorial causes and the scientific literature agrees on the beneficial impact that diet and exercise can have on bone health. Metabolic processes in our body are an extremely dynamic system, the ultimate goal of which is to maintain a stable concentration of hydrogen ions (acid-base regulation), as this is vital for cell survival and activity. The bone contains a large (but not infinite) amount of the main protagonists of the regulation of this system, i.e., calcium and magnesium, bicarbonate and phosphates. Indeed, bone minerals act as “buffer storage” that can be used for controlling plasma and tissue pH. Continuous withdrawal from this storage in view of ongoing counter-regulation is promoted by a number of disorders and diseases but supported by:

Besides, excess organic acids result in a number of symptoms such as chronic tiredness, persistent fatigue, sleep disorders, gastrointestinal disorders and frequent inflammation. Adequate supplementation with phosphate and bicarbonate buffer systems provides key support in combination with healthy lifestyle and diet. Potassium bicarbonate improves the balance between calcium and phosphorus, neutralizing endogenous acid and bone resorption. Increased excretion of urinary calcium (a condition that is typical of bone tissue loss) can be curbed thanks to sodium bicarbonate supplementation which alkalinizes the urine and results in positive calcium balance.

Food supplements containing mineral salts that contribute to normal acid-base metabolism provide support and counter the conditions that affect bone health. Taken on an empty stomach (e.g. before breakfast and before sleeping), they are better absorbed in the small intestine. Indeed, combined with regular exercise, varied and balanced diet with anti-inflammatory foods and adequate intake of water (3-4% of total body weight), they can be used for all associated situations and conditions.

Authors: Dario Boschiero, Mariantonietta Lucafò - Date: 14/10/2019

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