Cold, dehydration and the immune system

In winter we struggle to drink, because we rarely feel thirst. We know that our body water is still expelled through breathing, sweating and urine: but precisely because the perception of thirst is lowered, the risk of dehydration may increase. Symptoms of mild dehydration are very common: drowsiness, fatigue, dry skin, headache, constipation and dizziness. To maintain optimal hydration, we should drink water every day corresponding to a minimum of 3% of our body weight, in addition to the intake of fruits and vegetables for the introduction of vitamins and minerals. These substances, called micronutrients, must be balanced with the amount of water present in our body and maintain the so-called fluid/electrolyte balance. If this balance is missing due to a lack of water or micronutrients, the first to suffer is the immune system and, by the way, exactly during the season in which it should give its best.

For further information:

Dietary supplementation with vitamins and minerals is recommended in order to ensure a perfect fluid/electrolyte balance and an excellent protection of the immune cells thanks to the effects of magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper and selenium together with vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E and folic acid. These components also help the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and iron as well as maintaining the acid-base (unbalanced positive PRAL diet) and hydro-saline balance of the body: see for example supplementation with Melcalin Vita.

Author: Dario Boschiero - Data: 27/01/2021

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